October 2024 News

by | Oct 5, 2024

Charles Y Armstrong Broker Capital Ranch SalesA NOTE FROM YOUR LAND BROKER, CHARLES

We’re a couple of weeks into archery whitetail season, and I’ve received a number of great photos of deer harvested from around the state. With cooler temperatures looming and the fairly wet spring and summer much of the state experienced, I suspect the hunting will only improve and hope that you can find time to get out to the field and be a part of the action.

September was a great month for the team at Capital Ranch Sales, and it proved to be our second most productive month of the year. With 6 ranches closing across just as many counties and multiple new listings that we were fortunate enough to bring to market, the farm and ranch real estate market has remained steady.

Last month we dove into the impact for sellers in relation to the prediction by industry experts that “Sales volumes are at, or close to, near-term lows. We’re expecting increases in Q3 or Q4 of 2024.” This month, let’s explore what this means for buyers if this prediction comes to fruition.

If there’s an increase in sales volume looming, it would mean that, above all else, buyers in the market will have more competition to deal with. This is never the ideal place for a buyer to be positioned, as historically speaking, this puts the leverage back on the seller’s side.

In my opinion, the first shoe that had to drop for more buyers to enter the market was an interest rate cut. Since the last time we spoke, the feds have cut interest rates by half a basis point. While rates are still elevated compared to the all time lows we are coming off of, this should motivate some buyers to enter the market and start the land buying process.

I believe that until the dust settles on the election results, some buyers will stay on the sidelines. But remember that if you sit on the sidelines too long, you could miss out on an opportunity. If a land purchase is in the short-term plans for you, I would suggest you contact our team and let us help you start a game plan. As a buyer, the last place you want to be purchasing in is a seller’s market and, therefore, time may be of the essence.

See ya next month!



White-tailed Deer Population Looks Strong Ahead of Archery-Only Season

Good news for hunters! Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) biologists anticipate an exceptional white-tailed deer season this fall. The 2024-25 archery-only season kicks off Sept. 28 and hunters should expect to have good harvest numbers and opportunities for quality bucks.

“Given that over half the state experienced excellent habitat conditions this spring, it will be another great season to pull the bow out and spend time hunting,” said Blaise Korzekwa, TPWD White-tailed Deer Program Leader. “Whether you’re looking to fill the freezer with venison or harvest the trophy of a lifetime, it will be time well spent in the field this year.”

Much of the state received drought-quenching rain in the spring, which allowed for excellent habitat growth during the initial part of the growing season. Even those regions that missed out on spring rainfall will still have a good number of mature bucks this season.

Click here for the full article!





New Listing!
La Salle County, Texas

Listed at $6,632,000

Located on the southeast edge of La Salle County, and in the heart of big deer country sits the Little Alamo Ranch, a diverse 1679+-acre high-fenced ranch full of diverse wildlife and an abundance of surface water. Located off Cameron Lane just a couple of miles from HWY 624, Little Alamo Ranch sits in some of the best deer country the state has to offer. The ranch is complete with a fully furnished lodge offering guests comfortable accommodations and back porch views of the 15-acre lake. The Little Alamo Ranch is truly exceptional, offering new owners the opportunity to step into a turn-key ranch and enjoy it from day one.

If you are looking for a fantastic hunting property, look no further than the Little Alamo Ranch. Completely high fenced and crossed fenced with pastures being approximately 1000 and 670 acres giving endless opportunity to fulfill your hunting needs. The ranch has been under an MLD harvest program for 7 years, along with strict management, yielding in several bucks being harvested that scored over 200.

Don’t miss the chance to own this incredible hunting property! Call us to set up a viewing!

Stolte Farms

Guadalupe County, Texas
Listed at $3,368,000

Located in western Guadalupe County and less than one mile north of IH-10, Capital Ranch Sales is proud to present Stolte Farms. Located in the Cibolo ETJ, this incoming producing farm tract is well positioned for both residential and commercial development, as the immediate area is predominantly rural acreage home sites, operating farms, and ranches that are transitioning from rural agricultural use to denser commercial and residential developments.

Complete with a recently remodeled 2,100 square foot home, multiple outbuildings, no FEMA floodplain, level-rectangular shape, and roughly 2,900 feet of paved frontage, this farm is a must see for any developer, land banker, ag use buyer or acreage homesite buyer.

Call Capital Ranch Sales today for all of your ranch buying and selling needs!
